

by Brian J. Lewis | Jan 25, 2024 | Fiction |  |

by Brian J. Lewis

The wind waves a small American flag, the only moving thing on the chilly apartment balcony until a white-haired old man shuffles out the sliding door. Cigarette ready in hand, he lights it with a well-worn Zippo lighter. It’s engraved, a souvenir of his time in Vietnam. Why he re-enlisted was always a mystery. Most soldiers had more than enough of the blood, sweat, bullets, and pain during their first tour in that napalm hell. But that became his normal. In the jungle, nobody questioned his actions or why he enjoyed killing. It was more than just a job he had to do. Out in the oppressive heat of the jungles and rice paddy slogs, he was free in a way that was unavailable stateside. The dog was off the chain and running wild.

Letters from those who made it home didn’t paint many pretty pictures. Unfaithful wives and girlfriends running off to shack up with some draft-dodging longhair. Kids you barely knew stared at your scars with fearful eyes. Either that, or they didn’t understand why you weren’t a fan of playing War. Hey, you had the outfit, right? But they’d never seen their best buddy get blown to hell by a hidden mine, body fluids and pieces of flesh raining down. Not to mention your own family selling the souped-up Dodge you’d so lovingly put into storage when you got called up. The only thing left was a stupid sign you painted in High School saying “Mopar or NO CAR!” When the kid next door came home in a box, they just figured you were a goner, too. So, they slapped an ad in the paper and sold your dreams for two hundred lousy bucks. It was like being released from prison and coming home to a kennel.

The flag keeps waving as the old man lights a second cigarette from the butt of the first one. He still keeps the cherry concealed behind his hand, to avoid attracting enemy fire. Old habits die hard. As he sucks in another lungful of rich smoke, his body starts to spasm, mouth going slack. The spasms turn into deep coughs racking the man’s now frail body. He flops about like an out-of-control puppet.

“Hack hack hack! Hoog! Hooog! Hooooog! Ahhh-HAAACCCKKK!”

A huge wad of yellow mucus lands in the wife’s potted plant but at least he can breathe again. The man quickly brings the cigarette to his lips and refills his lungs with smoke. His doctor has warned him to slow down, encouraged him to quit. But the doctor is just some kid with a mustache that looks like he drew it on with a sharpie. Always wears a pink tie, too. So what does he know about life? Back when he was in the service, cigarettes were good for you, beer had vitamins, and nobody wore a pink tie unless they were looking for a busted lip. Uncle Sam even handed out two free packs with the weekly rations, along with rubbers, candy bars, and razors. He always traded the chocolate bars for smokes.

As the night comes on, a breeze comes in from the east and makes lighting the third cigarette a challenge. But the old man’s smoked in rougher conditions than this. He looks around the crumby, post-industrial city he’s stuck in and grimaces. This isn’t where he wanted to retire, but Clarice wanted to be close to her family. Oh yay…She hates that he still smokes and makes him do it outside. Whatever, he likes being by himself anyway. Out here he doesn’t have to listen to Clarice’s sister rattle on about what surgery she’s having next or whether margarine is just as good as butter. She made her husband quit “that nasty habit.” Now good boy Ralph just sits there silently holding his hat over his crotch while the two sisters blab.

Another round of coughing rocks the old man in his flimsy plastic chair. He grimly endures it, knowing it’ll pass. In the distance, a train whistle blows as the 7:15 rumbles down the tracks just a block away. They sure didn’t mention that wonderful feature in the apartment listing! Damn it, why can’t he stop coughing? The old man fights to pull in some kind of breath, smoke, anything, but the gates are down, blocking his way, alarm bells clanging in his head. The tracks are bathed in yellow light as the huge freight train roars into view.

With his last bit of energy, the old man launches himself towards the balcony railing, hoping to dislodge the sticky blob of mucus blocking his trachea. Just a little air, a little time, a little rest. Train cars roar past, chained to each other like prisoners of war; some scream as they are dragged along. Whugguh-chuggah, wugguh-chuggah…Screee…reee…eeee! The old man appears to be dancing to the rhythm of diesel and steel. That familiar petroleum stink filling the air. A thin stringer of drool stretches down from his mouth to the asphalt below. They often lit the flamethrowers with their cigarette butts, everything bursting into dancing orange and blue flames, sucking up all the oxygen in the jungle air until there was nothing left.

The thud of the old man’s body is masked by the passing train, and no one notices that he’s not standing there when it passes. Inside, just feet away, on the other side of the sliding glass door, Clarice continues talking to her sister. Together they wonder just who will be the ten-thousand-dollar winner on this season of, “Baking With Rich Movie Stars’ Kids That Nobody Likes,” or a similarly themed reality game show. Ralph holds his hat in his lap and keeps quiet because those are his orders. Out on the balcony, the flag still waves in the wind as a thin ribbon of smoke slowly spirals skyward.

Image by Sandeep Singh via Pexels



PREVIOUSQuality of Life


Brian J. Lewis

Brian J. Lewis

Brian James Lewis is a disabled poet and writer with PTSD who finds writing to be vastly important to his recovery. Working class to the bone, he writes inclusive, real-world stories and poetry that mirrors real life. Most recently, Brian’s work has appeared in Ill Winds and Wild Weather a speculative flash anthology from Smoking Pen Press, and the Hook of a Book Poetry Project which mixes horror poetry and mental health awareness to promote the healing power of writing. He is a frequent contributor to Trajectory Journal. Brian lives in Endicott, N.Y., with his wife Michelle, their rescue animals, and too many old typewriters. For news and independent book reviews, find him online at: damagedskullwriterandreviewer.com.

Thanks for taking a few minutes to read my flash piece! Be sure to check out THE SUNLIGHT PRESS for a wide variety of stories, poetry and artwork. You can visit them at: http://www.thesunlightpress.com for good reading, submission opportunities, and as a nonprofit they would certainly appreciate support from readers to help them do what they do.


Happy New Year all you monsters! It’s your old pal Skull with some good news for lovers of all thing speculative: A brand new Read on the Run anthology has just been released from Smoking Pen Press, and it includes a story from my mortal host Brian James Lewis! How about them poisoned apples? His short story “Too Cold For July” is one of the many great stories included in Ill Winds and Wild Weather, a collection of intriguing pieces that are just the right size for reading while one is riding the bus, waiting for food, sitting in your car while an oil change is happening, or chilling between classes. If you’ve got a few free minutes and an e-pub reader, the Smoking Pen Press has an anthology to help you escape the boring normality of the usual day. In fact, Brian’s story is about a person who likes to hit up thrift shops for cheap music to break their writer’s block. I don’t want to spill the bones, but I CAN tell you that it doesn’t take long for the blocked writer to wish they were back at their boring office. Unfortunately when one is dealing with dark magic, a quick sidestep is pretty much out of the question…

Currently, Ill Winds and Wild Weather is available from Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, Gardners, and of course Amazon. Here is the link for obtaining it there: https://www.amazon.com/Winds-Wild-Weather-Smoking-Press-ebook/dp/B0CRTCVBZG There will be a physical ink and paper option available in the next few weeks as well. As always, thanks for following your old pal Skull and his mortal Brian James Lewis at http://www.damagedskullwriterandreviewer.com . You can also catch up with us on Twitter/X @skullsnflames76 . Stay tuned for cool things happening this year, including posts about writing and mental illness, Brian’s upcoming publications in Trajectory, The Iconoclast, and Sunlight Press. There will also be book reviews, and more information about Ill Winds and Wild Weather from Smoking Pen Press.


Happy Holidays, Horror Fans! It’s your old pal Skull here with a few ideas for your next reading experience. It’s almost Christmas and for many of us that means two more days of mindless panic. If you’ve waited this long to start shopping, you’re obviously not a big planner and that’s okay. But instead of getting your partner another fragrance gift set that they’re not going to use, why not give the gift of kickass independent horror? Not only will you be cooler than a Polar Bear, but you’ll also be helping authors and small presses who really need your support. Depending on your bookseller of choice, you can pick these titles up in store, get 2-day shipping, or easiest of all-purchase it for their Kindle or other e-reader.

If you like your horror mixed with humor, check out Blood & Swine by A.R. Yngvie. This entertaining book follows the adventures of Carl Olsen Krocek as he applies for and gets a middle management job with the huge multinational hog farm, Hogoration, Inc. This should be a good thing, but as Carl digs deeper into strange goings on at the factories, he comes to the grim realization that his boss might be a vampire. They also aren’t very good farmers. Your old pal Skull is currently reading this novel and I’ve laughed out loud at all the awkward moments and been scared when the big boss sticks his talons out. Will Carl succeed in making life better for the pigs and people at Hogoration, or will be the big boss’ next victim?

One of my favorite ways to enjoy horror is by reading anthologies of short works from different writers. I also dig collections by a single artist and The Vengeful Dead by John James Minster really delivers the goods. Inside you’ll find grave robbers on the run, a player who gets played but comes back for a grisly encore, a man who thinks he’s found a dream love only to realize too late that he’s trapped inside a nightmare, social media stars who go too far, and an executioner who gets to experience the misery wrought upon the people he was “helping” by tenfold. These very real feeling stories uphold the laws of physics and the supernatural. For every action, there is a reaction and when multiplied by dark forces beyond our understanding there’s going to be one hell of an aftershock. Should you get this terrifying collection? The Magic 8-Ball says YES.

My favorite book of 2023 is The Daughters of Block Island by Christa Carmen. It has a great storyline. strong characters, and unexpected twists around every corner that will keep you turning pages until well after midnight. You might be groggy in the morning, but the powerful conclusion that pulls the covers off centuries of evildoing against female inhabitants of Block Island is totally worth the price of the triple espresso shot you’ll need to function. I’m a big fan of Christa Carmen’s work and this novel is awesome! Highly recommended.

Last but not least, I’d like to mention The Growth and The Growth Lives! A two novella series by Adam Hulse. Something evil is travelling through every possible waterway in Great Britain. It’s not even safe to use the toilet because the growth can suck you down the pipes as it burns all the flesh off your body. The military is having zero success eradicating The Growth, but there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. Kevin and Tax are an unlikely duo. Tax the inevitable man is a brawny mob enforcer while Kevin is a computer nerd who often forgets to eat and couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag. Despite all that, these dudes partner up for the common good and eventually become fast friends. There are many other subplots that make this series a cool read like the hate cult that forms to worship The Growth and an Olympic boxer searching for her missing girlfriend in a dystopian land. Both books focus on the power of love and question the powers that be. Can we really trust our government or the military as a whole, or does it come down to each individual’s moral code? Interesting, thought-provoking, and sometimes, pretty damn funny. Check this guy out!

Well, my fiendish friends, 2023 is rushing to an end. So, it’s likely that this will be the last post from your old pal Skull until the New Year. If that’s so, many thanks for reading my writings and let’s hope that 2024 will bring good things to us all. Until then, hug your babies whether they be fur, feather, or human, and love your partner. Share holiday warmth with your chosen family and enjoy the small acts of kindness during this time of year. Love is love, all colors are equal, and real bodies are beautiful. Don’t let the haters win.


Today we had to help one hell of a good reading companion cross the rainbow bridge. Luckily we had assistance from the wonderful people at The Cat Doctor and it was a peaceful and tearful final journey. Murphy was a fighter who beat cancer and used every one of his nine lives before he left this world behind. We were blessed that he chose us. Always charming, sometimes funny, and amazingly quiet with the softest fur, Murphy made even crummy days better. He would often sit like this on the porch with me as I wrote book reviews enjoying the sunshine in one of his shirts that he truly enjoyed wearing. Murphy was a very tolerant cat and usually enjoyed visitors much more than Moon who would disappear before quests even arrived. When we adopted a big dog, Murphy somehow let it be known that he was the boss of the house without any screaming, fur fluffing, or fisticuffs. He was not a big cat and the dogs had the physical upper hand, but neither Jake nor Axle ever tried to overrun Murphy’s authority. Much respect to the quiet little boss of the house. He will live on forever in our hearts.

Murphy with his watchdog, Axle, enjoying the outdoors

If you’re looking for this notebook, it is currently unavailable


Hey everybody! Going to keep it short and sweet. Last night I got word that one of my stories has been accepted for publication. It was news that I really needed to give me some forward momentum to continue writing. The contract is a few weeks down the road, so I will give more details as they emerge since there may be a possibility of a title change in the works. I’m feeling invigorated and am truly back to writing with ass in chair and hands on keyboard. Hopefully this is just a taste of things to come in the near future. Thanks to everyone who subscribes and reads this blog, Skull and I appreciate you very much!


Human beings want to understand things because it makes us feel more in control of our lives. There are countless books, articles, and blogs about how stuff works from automobiles to xylophones. But we don’t really know everything that happens inside the human brain. I know some of you are huffing and puffing, perhaps explaining the functions of neurons and ganglia to your computer screen, right now. And you’re right about the mechanics of those systems. But a list of parts doesn’t explain why a person who appears outwardly “normal” to the casual observer would want to murder a store full of people, a school full of children, or random individuals attending a concert or movie. That’s what makes the whole phenomenon so scary. How are we supposed to stop these killers if we have no idea where, when, or why they’re going to strike next?
I wrote “Following My Destiny” to give readers an idea of what life looks like through a mass shooter’s eyes. My original plan was to use the research I did in more of a creative nonfiction format, but the result was dryer than a high school book report. Frustrated, I talked with some trusted friends and fellow writers, who suggested an immersive fiction approach that made use of my research and my personal mental health issues with PTSD. The results were still pretty flat…Until I was wrapping up another late-night writing session and my hand wrote: The voices are always talking to me, no matter where I am…”
Chance McCandless had finally come to life! And once he started talking, there was no shutting him up. My day-to-day activities were constantly invaded by his observations and desires, delivered in a strangely dry and matter-of-fact voice. Sleep provided no escape, just frequent nightmares in which I was always running or drawing a bead on targets. Feelings of guilt, anger, lust, and shame kept washing through me as if I were the one committing crimes, not Chance. He brought me to the realization that mass shooters carefully plan their crimes, slowly accruing supplies, and studying targets. They also spend time figuring out how to be invisible or accepted on the surface while their brains whir like food processors inside their skulls. In our modern world where everything moves fast, and stores are understaffed, those that notice something off about a person are too busy to point it out. And if they do tell their manager or law enforcement, nothing good happens, so you can be damn sure that employee or fellow tenant will keep their head down and mouth shut in the future. The system is broken.
“Following My Destiny” begins with Chance telling us about the voices, his desires, and what he’d like to do to his father. Not that I’m endorsing violence, but his hatred is not without provocation. Also fueling the fire is Chance’s favorite podcast delivered by religious zealot Lediv Bloodsmoore who preaches Armageddon to his followers. Chance is desperate for recognition and is planning to do something “really big” in the nebulous future. But when an unexpected event occurs, he’s forced into action too soon. Without a fully developed plan, things speedily spin out of control. Bullets start to fly slicing open Chance’s detached view of life and making his ideas crumble. Should he give up like his friend Al, keep fighting to the bitter end, or make a run for it while he still can and continue “spreading the good word” across the nation?
Intrigued, interested, and wanting to read more? Excellent! What you’ll want to do next is order a copy of TRAJECTORY issue 22 spring 2022. Inside, you’ll find excellent poetry, short stories, and flash. There’s a photo documentary about the wall between Mexico and U.S., a piece about the legendary Charles Bukowski, and poetry so real that it hurts. In other words, this fully independent literary journal publishes real writing by real people, not just college kids who are guaranteed to get published because it’s part of the degree their parents are paying for. To date, TRAJECTORY issue 22 has sold out two print runs and is printing a third as you read this. To get your very own copy of this excellent literary journal you can contact:
ME through this blog. I have a limited quantity for sale at $20 each which includes domestic shipping and handling. You can also contact editor in chief Chris Helvey at: adobechris@hotmail.com to purchase issue 22. I also encourage you to check out TRAJECTORY’S website at: https://trajectoryjournal.com where you can read previously published work, sign up for the newsletter, and subscribe. All of which supports independent writers and poets, which is good for everybody. Thanks for reading this post from Damaged Skull Writer and Reviewer. Skull and I would love it if you’d follow us at: https://damagedskullwriterandreviewer.com so we can continue to help independent writers and presses. Until next time, keep writing!


Hello friends, it’s your old pal Skull with some groovy book mail from a cool independent press called Filthy Loot. Like many of my fellow writers and book reviewers, I dig stickers big time. There’s nothing in the world that can’t be improved by a sticker! From weddings to funerals and everything in between. So, when I saw that Filthy Loot was offering a special pack of them I had to have one. I mean, how genius to put them in a library card holder with those exciting words “withdrawn” on it. I also decided to get F*CKED UP STORIES Vols 2 & 3 that include stories by Madeleine Swann and many others that I look forward to reading. “Happy Suit” (Vol 3) is definitely a reflection of modern big biz and political practices. I recommend it! I also dig editor in chief Ira Rat’s mixed media art book “I’m Sorry Mom” Overall, a total win! So what are you waiting for? Head on over to http://www.filthyloot.com and http://www.irarat.com and warp your brain today! Tell ’em Damaged Skull Writer & Reviewer sent ya.

***The “I love big books and cannot lie” tote bag is an old gem of mine used for modeling purposes only


Sonora Taylor
October 19, 2021
Reviewed by Brian “Skull” Lewis

Hello there fans of horror and speculative fiction. It’s your old pal Skull here to share a cool collection of short stories with one and all. Sonora Taylor’s recently released collection Someone To Share My Nightmares is fucking AMAZING! That’s right, I said it and no one’s paying me to offer high praise like that, but it’s the truth. Once again, Taylor shows that the ladies can be just as scary as the gents. Maybe even scarier, because she gives us the perfect balance of hot and cold, wet and sweat, topped with shouts of terror and screams of ecstasy. Someone To Share My Nightmares is packed with powerful, well-crafted stories that this reviewer couldn’t tear himself away from.

The book kicks off with a couple of really cool things: A forward by V. Castro that gives readers a wonderful picture of the very modest Sonora Taylor and what she’s doing to make the world a better place. As I frequently say, you will find the most compassionate people in horror. There’s a lot more to us than scaring people. Check it out! The other thing is a notice that the author has included a list of possible trigger warnings in the back of the book. That way, those that require that feature get it and the rest of us are none the wiser until we read Taylor’s work. Hooray for no spoilers!

Someone To Share My Nightmares is the opening tale for this great collection and really sets the tone for the book. Taylor doesn’t write about wimpy women who are little balls of fluff that scream their heads off and wait to be saved by a hunky man. Protagonist Kristin is a strong woman with her own viewpoints, strengths, and desires. She lives in Creekwood, a place frequented by bravado-fueled arty types who think they can explain the dark forest there. But the forest doesn’t want to be exposed, violated, or used to make money. The same can be said about women. Some things are meant to be secret, revealed to only a select few. Kristin enjoys the hunky man but also understands that she is at one with the forest.

Bump In The Night is a cleverly woven tale of lust, terror, that also gives props to plus size sexiness, interracial love, and same sex fun. What’s not to like? I’m just going to say right here and now, if you’ve got a problem with big women being luscious or people loving who they want to love, then you’re reading the wrong book, blog, and review. We’re not going to get along. A good time is saved by magic.  

The Parrot is a chilling story with a twist ending I didn’t expect. Whoa! In these modern times, the majority of the population rely on digital assistants. Ask Alexa for a recipe, use your cellphone to shut off the lights, autopay your bills…There are even little robots that can roam about your home meeting your needs. But what if someone was able to twist that technology around for evil purposes? Charles is an asshole who thinks that he controls his wife, Melinda. He likes to hurt women and force them to do what he wants. He even has Melinda make him a personal assistant called Parrot, never suspecting that it might have other uses. Then his wife suddenly ends up dead and the Parrot starts to malfunction, showing him strange things on TV. Somebody is in control and it damn sure isn’t Charles. Satisfying conclusion for all of us who hate domestic abuse.

Prefer an ecohorror tale about a man and woman working equally together? Then check out The Sharps! Scientist Camila is a biologist doing research at her isolated cabin, which normally is a pretty chill time. But not when the sharps make their unwanted appearance, trapping her there. Enter ecological activist, Joseph who also ends up stranded by the sharps on Camila’s island. There’s romance but also two people working together towards a positive end. Equality is a lot more sexy than the outdated Hollywood stereotype of an overly brawny guy seizing the reigns and dragging a scrawny little honey who can barely lift a fork (obviously!) to safety. Sonora Taylor’s “The Sharps” is an awesome story that’s also the perfect amount of hot. BRAVO!!!

The verdict, if you can’t tell already, is that Damaged Skull Writer rates Someone To Share My Nightmares by one of my absolutely favorite authors Sonora Taylor, a hearty FIVE AND A HALF STARS out of 5! This fine paperback is also in a place of honor on the Skullcave’s Wall of Fame. I mean, seriously, if you don’t have this book, I recommend you grab yourself copy NOW. There’s a long cold winter ahead, which is great for reading in bed. Someone To Share My Nightmares will not only give you chills, but heat you up as well. It also includes many more tales than the ones I’ve mentioned!

Sonora Taylor www.sonorawrites.com is the author of many fine books, including: Seeing Things, and Little Paranoias: Stories. Both of which have been reviewed by your old pal Skull right here at: www.damagedskullwriterandreviewer.com Once again, thank you for reading and sharing this post. I’m also looking for more followers of my WordPress blog, which will cost you absolutely nothing but helps more independent authors and presses to get positive exposure. I only post once or twice a week, so I won’t bombard your inbox with a lot of extraneous garbage either. Damaged Skull Writer is a safe space that has no room for hate.



Bat Hearse
Bat Hearse Records
Reviewed by Brian “Skull” Lewis

Hello horror fiends, it’s your old pal Skull with some cool news about a great band that you’ll want to be feasting your eye and earballs on real pronto-like! Most often, Damaged Skull Writer and Reviewer focuses on the written word and graphic novels, but today I’m going to be reviewing Bat Hearse’s debut album, CRYPT LOAD. Y’all ready? Then, to quote lead singer and stuntman Rick Ruiner, “All right all you bastards! Grab yourself a handful of steering wheel and let’s go!”

Coming at you straight out of Detroit, Michigan, Bat Hearse arrives in their namesake vehicle: a vintage Cadillac hearse that’s been customized into a mashup of the Batmobile and a rocket-powered ice wagon. This midnight beauty was built by none other than Rick Ruiner, who also handles lead vocals and some cool performance stunts involving fire! He’s got his foot to the floor, making the engine roar, and that big block of Detroit iron under the hood can smoke a set of tires faster than you can say “Beat It Creep!”

This is a band that creates real rock n roll and has fun doing it. For those unfamiliar with Bat Hearse, think of what might happen if The Cramps jammed with a surf music loving Detroit garage rock band. Real, raucous, with revving motors, and a sense of humor to boot! So while pop bands are busy auto-tuning, dubbing, and basically faking their way into teenagers’ ears. Bat Hearse’s Jungle Josh is wrestling riffs out of his guitar, while bass player Nate Knox keeps the grove and drummer Ajax rocks the beat. Oh, and let’s not forget the singing and dancing of goth lovely Nina Friday, who brings a lot of pizazz to the band. Nina is much more than just a pretty face. She’s also an artist and costume designer who also handles the band’s merchandise. Want a cool CD, stickers, buttons, patches, Bat Hearse poster or T-shirt? Then get in touch with her on Facebook at Nina Friday Art or click on the link at the end of this review.

There are eleven great tunes to enjoy on this CD but a few really grabbed my attention. “Go Little Bastard” and “The Day I became James Dean” both reference the iconic James Dean who was gone way too soon.  “Little Bastard” was the name of the Porsche that he died in, costing us a true American original. Hey classic horror fans, Bat Hearse is ready to show you how to “Do the Bela!” As in Bela Lugosi, the face many people see when they think of Count Dracula. They’re also getting a “Coffin For Christmas.” Because they’re “not looking for a stocking stuffer, baby.” Uh-uh! They want they want the whole enchilada or nothin’. And what would a garage rock album be without an homage to the king of cool? So, Bat Hearse gives us a “Bronze Fonz” Ayyyy!   

In case it’s not clear, your old pal Skull digs Bat Hearse like a miner after gold. Damaged Skull Writer and Reviewer gives BAT HEARSE’S CRYPT LOAD FIVE STARS out of five. These tunes are great and check out the pictures. Bat Hearse also has the look. Coolness to spare, baby! As the temperature drops and we get what seems like about two hours of daylight, don’t hibernate. Instead, get something really great, and dance away those blues! Yeah, baby. Or use this fun CD as the soundtrack for your next writing or reading session. To get in touch or place an order go to: www.facebook.com/BATHEARSEDETROIT Want more visuals? Then check out Bat Hearse on YouTube for some mega cool videos. As always, thanks for visiting Damaged Skull Writer and Reviewer. See you soon!